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Be Ready for the Future

We all are preparing for our glorious future and working hard towards making it happen either on Career, Health, Wealth & Relationships. Society has taught us to work hard & consistently  in achieving our goals. Many have noticed that though we put in lot of efforts we could barely reach our desired goals and blame on destiny or tag ourselves as running out of luck. 

COSMIC GRID is all about Living-Life-To-Fullest, where all past accumulations on Body, Mind & Soul are released making you ready to LIVE YOUR DREAMS.

Cosmic GRID Programs

Living Life to the Fullest

Cosmic Grid develops practical programs for clearing the source of all physical problems we all encounter in our lives so we all can move steadfastly with the help from Cosmic Higher Dimensional Energy Vibrations. You will learn the knowledge & experience the clearings that is coming to Planet Earth for the First Time.

Success Stories


"Cosmic Energy did wonders to my Physical and Psychological Health - feels more energetic and loving"


New Age Technologies for Modern Living

Cosmic Grid believes that as life situations & challenges keep on getting complex there has to be solutions that is quick and easy to implement which can offer clearing the blockages from the source. Today most of the major areas of one’s life like Health, Wealth, Relationship & Career has taken a back seat, and most are no longer happy or joyous thinking about it. Creation which made this whole Universe has all the solutions to the challenges we face and is ready to help us. Cosmic Grid is relying on knowledge & practices from higher dimensions meant for helping in giving Radical Change in one’s Health, Wealth, Relationship & Career.

Couple with Mobile Phone

Model Of Cosmic Grid


Mother and Daughter Having Fun

1. Getting Lighter

We no longer feel fresh & charged up and mostly are dragging throughout the day. This clearly indicates we are carrying much more emotional debris than we can handle. We are accumulating this debris from the time we are born and will be part of our lives unless we clean them off and get detached from the past Resentment, Grudge, Separation, Loss, Fear & Trauma. Clearing this past & start to live in present is the 1st step.

2. Clearing Fear, Trauma, Beliefs & Body Memory

We often hold ourselves taking a step or simply unable to decide most of the time. This leads us just being a mere spectator in life instead of taking a charge and driving it. It’s like a freezing state and very soon it hits on our confidence. The Fears & Trauma arising right from the point of conception to an adulthood are driving us and making us freeze. Its imperative to clear the Fear and Trauma blockages for path to open up and for opportunities to show up in life. Plus, the unwanted programs which we have installed watching others or by our own experiences which we call as Beliefs needs to be cleared and replaced from all aspects including Body Memory so you start taking charge of life and drive for your own betterment.

Image by Guzmán Barquín
Rock Balancing

3. Activations

For those who are ready and have successfully cleared above 2 stages, it’s time for them for further activations for self-evolution or advancing in spirituality for self or helping others. These activations are not entitlements and not guaranteed for all & it’s purely dependent on the Grace from Higher Dimensions. Activation for 3rd Eye, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience & DNA Activation to name few.

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